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Matching Words

26333 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. noun - a globulin in blood plasma that carries iron
  1. verb - change completely the nature or appearance of; "In Kafka's story, a person metamorphoses into a bug"; "The treatment and diet transfigured her into a beautiful young woman"; "Jesus was transfigured after his resurrection"
  2. elevate or idealize, in allusion to Christ's transfiguration
  1. unknown - going beyond or surpassing the finite.
  1. unknown - cause (someone) to become motionless with horror, wonder, or astonishment. OR pierce with a sharp implement or weapon.
  1. - The act of transfixing, or the state of being transfixed, or pierced.
  1. - Flowing or running across or through; as, a transfluent stream.
  1. - To bore through; to perforate.
  1. verb - change (a bacterial cell) into a genetically distinct cell by the introduction of DNA from another cell of the same or closely related species
  2. change from one form or medium into another; "Braque translated collage into oil"
  3. change in outward structure or looks; "He transformed into a monster"; "The salesman metamorphosed into an ugly beetle"
  4. change or alter in form, appearance, or nature; "This experience transformed her completely"; "She transformed the clay into a beautiful sculpture"; "transubstantiate one element into another"
  5. convert (one form of energy) to another; "transform energy to light"
  6. given a completely different form or appearance; "shocked to see the transformed landscape"
  7. increase or decrease (an alternating current or voltage)
  8. subject to a mathematical transformation
  1. noun - an electrical device by which alternating current of one voltage is changed to another voltage
  1. verb - give a transfusion (e.g., of blood) to
  2. impart gradually; "Her presence instilled faith into the children"; "transfuse love of music into the students"
  3. pour out of one vessel into another
  4. treat by applying evacuated cups to the patient's skin