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Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. - Having power to temper.
  1. noun - the degree of hotness or coldness of a body or environment (corresponding to its molecular activity)
  2. the somatic sensation of cold or heat
  1. adjective - (of the elements) as if showing violent anger; "angry clouds on the horizon"; "furious winds"; "the raging sea"
  2. characterized by violent emotions or behavior; "a stormy argument"; "a stormy marriage"
Temple Tree
  1. noun - frangipani of India having an erect habit and conical form; grown in temple gardens
  1. noun - genus of Australian shrubs or subshrubs: coral bush
  1. noun - the worldly possessions of a church
  1. noun - a worker (especially in an office) hired on a temporary basis
  1. adverb - for a limited time only; not permanently; "he will work here temporarily"; "he was brought out of retirement temporarily"; "a power failure temporarily darkened the town"
  1. noun - someone who temporizes; someone who tries to gain time or who waits for a favorable time
  1. verb - draw out a discussion or process in order to gain time; "The speaker temporized in order to delay the vote"