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Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. - Act of purning.
Sure Enough
  1. adverb - as supposed or expected; "sure enough, he asked her for money again"
  2. definitely or positively
  3. definitely or positively (`sure'' is sometimes used informally for `surely''); "the results are surely encouraging"; "she certainly is a hard worker"; "it''s going to be a good day for sure"; "they are coming, for certain"; "they thought he had been kille
  1. adjective - (used informally especially for emphasis); "a real honest-to-god live cowboy"; "had us a high old time"; "went upriver to look at a sure-enough fish wheel"
  1. adjective - not liable to error in judgment or action; "most surefooted of the statesmen who dealt with the depression"- Walter Lippman; "demonstrates a surefooted storytelling talent"- Michiko Kakutani
  2. not liable to stumble or fall; "on surefooted donkeys"
  1. adjective - proficient and confident in performance; "promising playwrights...sure-handed enough to turn out top-drawer scripts"
Surety Bond
  1. noun - a bond given to protect the recipient against loss in case the terms of a contract are not filled; a surety company assumes liability for nonperformance
  1. noun - a chemical agent capable of reducing the surface tension of a liquid in which it is dissolved
  1. verb - ride the waves of the sea with a surfboard; "Californians love to surf"
  1. noun - someone who engages in surfboarding
  1. noun - small to medium-sized shallow-water fishes of the Pacific coast of North America