Matching Words
26345 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- - The tenets or doctrines of Faustus Socinus, an Italian theologian of the sixteenth century, who denied the Trinity, the deity of Christ, the personality of the Devil, the native and total depravity of man, the vicarious atonement, and the eternity of future punishment. His theory was, that Christ was a man divinely commissioned, who had no existence before he was conceived by the Virgin Mary; that human sin was the imitation of Adam's sin, and that human salvation was the imitation and adoption of Christ's virtue; that the Bible was to be interpreted by human reason; and that its language was metaphorical, and not to be taken literally.
- - To cause to conform to Socinianism; to regulate by, or imbue with, the principles of Socinianism.
- noun - the study and classification of human societies
- noun - a social scientist who studies the institutions and development of human society
- unknown - Relating to the study of group relationships
- adjective - of or relating to a sociopathic personality disorder
- - That which finishes or ends a matter; a settler; a poser, as a heavy blow, a conclusive answer, and the like.
Soda Bottle
- noun - a bottle for holding soft drinks
Soda Jerker
- noun - someone who works at a soda fountain
- - Pertaining to, or of the nature of, sodomy.