Matching Words
26345 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
Shariah Law
- noun - the code of law derived from the Koran and from the teachings and example of Mohammed; "sharia is only applicable to Muslims"; "under Islamic law there is no separation of church and state"
- noun - remoras found attached to sharks
- adjective - having keen hearing
- adjective - having a sharply pointed nose
- noun - a quick and penetrating intelligence; "he argued with great acuteness"; "I admired the keenness of his mind"
- a strong odor or taste property; "the pungency of mustard"; "the sulfurous bite of garlic"; "the sharpness of strange spices"; "the raciness of the wine"
- harshness of manner
- the attribute of urgency in tone of voice; "his voice had an edge to it"
- the quality of being keenly and painfully felt; "the sharpness of her loss"
- the quality of being sharp and clear
- thinness of edge or fineness of point
- verb - aim and shoot with great precision
- unknown - Having an acute or nicely discerning mind
- noun - the act of breaking something into small pieces
- noun - long-winged oceanic bird that in flight skims close to the waves