Matching Words
26345 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
Basic Steel
- - Steel produced by the basic process.
- noun - the fruiting body of a basidiomycete which bears its spores on special cells
Basil Thyme
- noun - fragrant European mint having clusters of small violet-and-white flowers; naturalized especially in eastern North America
- unknown - Town in England
Basket Fern
- noun - giant epiphytic or lithophytic fern; Asia to Polynesia and Australia
- tropical American fern cultivated for its finely divided grayish-green foliage; West Indies and southern Mexico to Peru and Brazil
- tropical American fern cultivated for its finely divided greyish-green foliage; West Indies and southern Mexico to Peru and Brazil
Basket Fish
- noun - any starfish-like animal of the genera Euryale or Astrophyton or Gorgonocephalus having slender complexly branched interlacing arms radiating from a central disc
Basket Hilt
- noun - a hilt with a basket-shaped guard for the hand
Basket Star
- noun - any starfish-like animal of the genera Euryale or Astrophyton or Gorgonocephalus having slender complexly branched interlacing arms radiating from a central disc
- noun - a game played on a court by two opposing teams of 5 players; points are scored by throwing the ball through an elevated horizontal hoop
- an inflated ball used in playing basketball