Matching Words
26345 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
Rip Current
- noun - a strong surface current flowing outwards from a shore
- adjective - uncontrollably noisy
Ripper Bill
- - An act or a bill conferring upon a chief executive, as a governor or mayor, large powers of appointment and removal of heads of departments or other subordinate officials.
Ripping Bar
- noun - a steel lever with one end formed into a ripping chisel and the other a gooseneck with a claw for pulling nails
Ripple Mark
- noun - one of a series of small ridges produced in sand by water currents or by wind
Rising Tide
- noun - the occurrence of incoming water (between a low tide and the following high tide)
- the occurrence of incoming water (between a low tide and the following high tide); "a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune" -Shakespeare
Rising Trot
- noun - the rider rises from the saddle every second stride
- noun - a state of danger involving risk
- noun - United States astronomer said to have built the first telescope made in America; also the first director of the United States Mint (1732-1796)
- verb - make or evolve into a ritual; "The growing up of children has become ritualized in many cultures"