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Below are the words that matched your query.

Rhus Vernix
  1. noun - smooth American swamp shrub with pinnate leaves and greenish flowers followed by greenish white berries; yields an irritating oil
Rhyme Royal
  1. noun - a stanza form having seven lines of iambic pentameter; introduced by Chaucer
  1. - A fossil cephalopod beak.
  1. noun - the rhythmic property imparted by the accents and relative durations of notes in a piece of music
  1. - An engine of war used in the Middle Ages, consisting of a protected elevated staging on wheels, and armed in front with pikes. It was (after the 14th century) furnished with small cannon.
Ribbed Toad
  1. noun - western North American frog with a tail-like copulatory organ
  2. western North American frog with a taillike copulatory organ
Ribbon Fern
  1. noun - epiphytic fern found in lowland forests of tropical America
  2. epiphytic fern with straplike usually twisted fronds of tropical Asia and Polynesia and America
  3. fern of North Africa and Azores and Canary Islands
Ribbon Tree
  1. noun - deciduous New Zealand tree whose inner bark yields a strong fiber that resembles flax and is called New Zealand cotton
Ribbon Worm
  1. noun - soft unsegmented marine worms that have a threadlike proboscis and the ability to stretch and contract
  1. noun - deciduous New Zealand tree whose inner bark yields a strong fiber that resembles flax and is called New Zealand cotton
  2. small tree or shrub of New Zealand having a profusion of axillary clusters of honey-scented paper-white flowers and whose bark is used for cordage