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26333 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. verb - make more specific; "qualify these remarks"
  2. place limits on (extent or access); "restrict the use of this parking lot"; "limit the time you can spend with your friends"
  3. place restrictions on; "curtail drinking in school"
  4. place under restrictions; limit access to; "This substance is controlled"
  5. restricting the scope or freedom of action
  1. noun - a principle that limits the extent of something; "I am willing to accept certain restrictions on my movements"
  2. an act of limiting or restricting (as by regulation)
  3. the act of keeping something within specified bounds (by force if necessary); "the restriction of the infection to a focal area"
  1. adjective - (of tariff) protective of national interests by restricting imports
  2. serving to restrict; "teenagers eager to escape restrictive home environments"
  1. - Restringing; astringent; styptic. [Obs.] -- n. A restringent medicine.
  1. verb - construct or form anew or provide with a new structure; "After his accident, he had to restructure his life"; "The governing board was reconstituted"
  1. verb - sublime (a compound) once again
  1. verb - submit (information) again to a program or automatic system
  1. noun - beginning again
  1. - Resupinate.
  1. verb - appear again; "The missing man suddenly resurfaced in New York"
  2. cover with a new surface
  3. reappear on the surface