Matching Words
26345 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
Red Dogwood
- noun - common North American shrub with reddish purple twigs and white flowers
- European deciduous shrub turning red in autumn having dull white flowers
Red Herring
- noun - a dried and smoked herring having a reddish color
- a first draft of a prospectus; must be clearly marked to indicate that parts may be changed in the final prospectus; "because some portions of the cover page are printed in red ink a preliminary prospectus is sometimes called a red herring"
- any diversion intended to distract attention from the main issue
Red Juniper
- noun - small juniper found east of Rocky Mountains having a conic crown, brown bark that peels in shreds, and small sharp needles
Red Sanders
- noun - tree of India and East Indies yielding a hard fragrant timber prized for cabinetwork and dark red heartwood used as a dyewood
Red Snapper
- noun - an esteemed food fish with pinkish red head and body; common in the Atlantic coastal waters of North America and the Gulf of Mexico
- an esteemed food fish with pinkish red head and body; common in the Atlantic coastal waters of North American and the Gulf of Mexico
- highly esteemed reddish lean flesh of snapper from Atlantic coast and Gulf of Mexico
Red Sprites
- noun - atmospheric electricity (lasting 10 msec) appearing as globular flashes of red (pink to blood-red) light rising to heights of 60 miles (sometimes seen together with elves)
- adjective - endowed with or exhibiting great bodily or mental health; "a hearty glow of health"
- adjective - bearing red fruit
- adjective - having red stripes
- - The act of redarguing; refutation.