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26345 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. adjective - lacking sense or discretion; "his rattlebrained crackpot ideas"; "how rattlepated I am! I've forgotten what I came for"- Glenway Westcott
  1. noun - pit viper with horny segments at the end of the tail that rattle when shaken
  1. - The golden-eye.
  1. unknown - Harsh noisiness. Strident.
Rauli Beech
  1. noun - large Chilean timber tree yielding coarse lumber
  1. unknown - Bawdiness
  1. adverb - in a ravishing manner or to a ravishing degree; "she was ravishingly beautiful"
  1. noun - a feeling of delight at being filled with wonder and enchantment
  2. the crime of forcing a woman to submit to sexual intercourse against her will
Raw Recruit
  1. noun - an inexperienced and untrained recruit
Raw Weather
  1. noun - unpleasantly cold and damp weather