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Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. adverb - in an unsteady quavering manner; "the man began quaveringly to question the soldier"
Quebec City
  1. noun - the French-speaking capital of the province of Quebec; situated on the Saint Lawrence River
Queen Olive
  1. - Properly, a kind of superior olive grown in the region of Seville, Spain. It is large size and oblong shape with a small but long pit; it is cured when green, keeps well, and has a delicate flavor. Loosely, any olive of similar character.
Queen Truss
  1. - A truss framed with queen-posts; a queen-post truss.
Queen's Cup
  1. noun - plant with 1 or 2 white starlike flowers on short leafless stalks; Alaska to California and east to Oregon and Montana
  1. adjective - (used especially of beds) not as large as king-size; "a queen-sized bed"
  1. noun - silvery and bluish drumfish of shallow California coastal waters
  1. - The quality of being queenly; the; characteristic of a queen; stateliness; eminence among women in attractions or power.
  1. noun - a sexual attraction to (or sexual relations with) persons of the same sex
  2. a strange attitude or habit
  1. noun - a yellow dye made from the bark of the quercitron oak tree
  2. medium to large deciduous timber tree of the eastern United States and southeastern Canada having dark outer bark and yellow inner bark used for tanning; broad five-lobed leaves are bristle-tipped