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Below are the words that matched your query.

Purse Seine
  1. noun - a seine designed to be set by two boats around a school of fish and then closed at the bottom by means of a line
  1. adjective - proud or arrogant because of your wealth (especially in the absence of other distinction)
  1. - Pursiness.
  1. unknown - Officers of the college of arms
  1. noun - symptom of being purulent (containing or forming pus)
Purus River
  1. noun - a Brazilian river; tributary of the Amazon River
  1. - Purveyance.
  1. noun - the act of supplying something
Push Around
  1. verb - be bossy towards; "Her big brother always bullied her when she was young"
Push Button
  1. noun - an electrical switch operated by pressing a button; "the elevator was operated by push buttons"; "the push beside the bed operated a buzzer at the desk"
  2. an electrical switch operated by pressing; "the elevator was operated by push buttons"; "the push beside the bed operated a buzzer at the desk"