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Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. - One who prostitutes; one who submits himself, of or offers another, to vile purposes.
  1. verb - get into a prostrate position, as in submission
  2. render helpless or defenseless; "They prostrated the enemy"
  3. throw down flat, as on the ground; "She prostrated herself with frustration"
  1. noun - abject submission; the emotional equivalent of prostrating your body
  2. an abrupt failure of function or complete physical exhaustion; "the commander's prostration demoralized his men"
  3. the act of assuming a prostrate position
  1. - A syllogism preliminary or logically essential to another syllogism; the conclusion of such a syllogism, which becomes a premise of the following syllogism.
  1. noun - a short-lived radioactive metallic element formed from uranium and disintegrating into actinium and then into lead
  1. noun - active support of an idea or cause etc.; especially the act of pleading or arguing for something
  1. noun - a person who backs a politician or a team etc.; "all their supporters came out for the game"; "they are friends of the library"
  2. the principal character in a work of fiction
  1. - Proterandrous.
  1. - Of or pertaining to the Proteace, an order of apetalous evergreen shrubs, mostly natives of the Cape of Good Hope or of Australia.
  1. noun - a covering that is intend to protect from damage or injury; "they had no protection from the fallout"; "wax provided protection for the floors"
  2. defense against financial failure; financial independence; "his pension gave him security in his old age"; "insurance provided protection against loss of wages due to illness"
  3. kindly endorsement and guidance; "the tournament was held under the auspices of the city council"
  4. payment extorted by gangsters on threat of violence; "every store in the neighborhood had to pay him protection"
  5. the activity of protecting someone or something; "the witnesses demanded police protection"
  6. the condition of being protected; "they were huddled together for protection"; "he enjoyed a sense of peace and protection in his new home"
  7. the imposition of duties or quotas on imports in order to protect domestic industry against foreign competition; "he made trade protection a plank in the party platform"