Matching Words
26345 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- verb - require as a necessary antecedent or precondition; "This step presupposes two prior ones"
- take for granted or as a given; suppose beforehand; "I presuppose that you have done your work"
- verb - require as a necessary antecedent or precondition; "This step presupposes two prior ones"
- take for granted or as a given; suppose beforehand; "I presuppose that you have done your work"
- - Preceding the systole or contraction of the heart; as, the presystolic friction sound.
- noun - a preadolescent boy or girl (usually between 9 and 12 years of age); "little league is intended for the preteens"
- - Situated in front of the temporal bone.
- - The act of pretending; pretense.
- noun - the act of giving a false appearance; "his conformity was only pretending"
- - Abounding in pretenses.
- noun - a false or unsupportable quality
- the advancing of a claim; "his pretension to the crown"; "the town still puts forward pretensions as a famous resort"
- the quality of being pretentious (behaving or speaking in such a manner as to create a false appearance of great importance or worth)
- adjective - (of a display) tawdry or vulgar
- intended to attract notice and impress others; "an ostentatious sable coat"
- making claim to or creating an appearance of (often undeserved) importance or distinction; "a pretentious country house"; "a pretentious fraud"; "a pretentious scholarly edition"