Matching Words
26345 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- - A semivitrified clay or shale, somewhat resembling jasper; -- called also porcelain jasper.
Pore Fungus
- noun - woody pore fungi; any fungus of the family Polyporaceae or family Boletaceae having the spore-bearing surface within tubes or pores; the fruiting bodies are usually woody at maturity and persistent
Poring Over
- noun - reading carefully with intent to remember
Pork Barrel
- noun - a legislative appropriation designed to ingratiate legislators with their constituents
Porkpie Hat
- noun - man''s hat with a low, flat crown and a snap brim
- man's hat with a low, flat crown and a snap brim
- - Lascivious; licentious.
- noun - creative activity (writing or pictures or films etc.) of no literary or artistic value other than to stimulate sexual desire
- adjective - (of rocks) consisting of porphyry or containing large crystals in a fine groundmass of minerals
Port Arthur
- noun - a battle in the Chino-Japanese War (1894); Japanese captured the port and fortifications from the Chinese
- a major port city in northeastern China on the Liaodong Peninsula; now a part of Luda
- a major port city in northeastern China; part of the conurbation of Luda
- noun - the quality of being light enough to be carried