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Below are the words that matched your query.

Plane Table
  1. noun - surveying instrument consisting of a drawing board and a ruler that are mounted on a tripod; used to sight and map topographical details
  1. noun - the property of having two dimensions
Planer Tree
  1. - A small-leaved North American tree (Planera aquatica) related to the elm, but having a wingless, nutlike fruit.
Planet Gear
  1. noun - an outer gear that revolves about a central sun gear of an epicyclic train
  1. noun - a building housing an instrument for projecting the positions of the planets onto a domed ceiling
  2. an apparatus or model for representing the solar systems
  3. an optical device for projecting images of celestial bodies and other astronomical phenomena onto the inner surface of a hemispherical dome
  1. - Pertaining to a planetoid.
  1. noun - A sound of mournful tone
  2. having the character of a loud deep sound; the quality of being resonant
  1. noun - a measuring instrument for measuring the area of an irregular plane figure
  1. - A suborder of Neuroptera, including those that have broad, flat wings, as the ant-lion, lacewing, etc. Called also Planipennes.
  1. - The representation of the circles of the sphere upon a plane; especially, a representation of the celestial sphere upon a plane with adjustable circles, or other appendages, for showing the position of the heavens, the time of rising and setting of stars, etc., for any given date or hour.