Matching Words
26345 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- noun - righteousness by virtue of being pious
Pipe Cutter
- noun - a hand tool for cutting pipe
Pipe Fitter
- noun - a craftsman who installs and repairs pipes and fixtures and appliances
Pipe Laying
- - The laying of conducting pipes underground, as for water, gas, etc.
Pipe Smoker
- noun - a smoker who uses a pipe
Pipe Wrench
- noun - adjustable wrench for gripping and turning a pipe; has two serrated jaws that are adjusted to grip the pipe
- unknown - Bendy piece of wire for cleaning pipes
- noun - fitting consisting of threaded pieces of pipe for joining pipes together
Piper Betel
- noun - Asian pepper plant whose dried leaves are chewed with betel nut (seed of the betel palm) by southeast Asians
- - Of or pertaining to the order of plants (Piperace) of which the pepper (Piper nigrum) is the type. There are about a dozen genera and a thousand species, mostly tropical plants with pungent and aromatic qualities.