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Below are the words that matched your query.

Pietra Dura
  1. - Hard and fine stones in general, such as are used for inlay and the like, as distinguished from the softer stones used in building; thus, a Florentine mosaic is a familiar instance of work in pietra dura, though the ground may be soft marble.
  1. noun - a measuring instrument for measuring high pressures
Pigeon Hawk
  1. noun - small falcon of Europe and America having dark plumage with black-barred tail; used in falconry
Pigeon Loft
  1. noun - a raised shelter in which pigeons are kept
Pigeon Toes
  1. noun - disability in which the toes are turned inward; often associated with knock-knee
  1. adjective - having feet that turn inward
  1. verb - place into a small compartment
  2. treat or classify according to a mental stereotype; "I was stereotyped as a lazy Southern European"
  1. noun - a small compartment
  2. a specific (often simplistic) category
  3. place into a small compartment
  4. treat or classify according to a mental stereotype; "I was stereotyped as a lazy Southern European"
  1. noun - an excessive desire for food
  1. verb - bring into alignment with; "an amendment to piggyback the current law"
  2. haul by railroad car
  3. haul truck trailers loaded with commodities on railroad cars
  4. ride on someone's shoulders or back
  5. support on the back and shoulders; "He piggybacked her child so she could see the show"