Matching Words
26345 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
Petrol Gage
- noun - gauge that indicates the amount of gasoline left in the gasoline tank of a vehicle
Petrol Line
- noun - a pipe that carries gasoline from a tank to a gasoline engine; "the car wouldn't start because dirt clogged the gas line"
Petrol Pump
- noun - a pump in a service station that draws gasoline from underground storage tanks
Petrol Tank
- noun - a tank for holding gasoline to supply a vehicle
- noun - the branch of geology that studies rocks: their origin and formation and mineral composition and classification
- - One who is versed in petrology.
- adjective - wearing or furnished with a petticoat; "petticoated ladies"; "a petticoated table"
- verb - argue over petty things; "Let's not quibble over pennies"
- noun - a disputant who quibbles; someone who raises annoying petty objections
- a person (especially a lawyer or politician) who uses unscrupulous or unethical methods