Matching Words
26345 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- noun - persistent determination
- adjective - (used colloquially) overly conceited or arrogant; "a snotty little scion of a degenerate family"-Laurent Le Sage; "they're snobs--stuck-up and uppity and persnickety"
- characterized by excessive precision and attention to trivial details; "a persnickety job"; "a persnickety school teacher"
Person Hour
- noun - a time unit used in industry for measuring work
- verb - make personal or more personal; "personalized service"
- - The quality or state of being personal; personality.
- noun - a person of considerable prominence; "she is a Hollywood personality"
- characters
- the complex of all the attributes--behavioral, temperamental, emotional and mental--that characterize a unique individual; "their different reactions reflected their very different personalities"; "it is his nature to help others"
- verb - make personal or more personal; "personalized service"
- verb - attribute human qualities to something; "The Greeks personated their gods ridiculous"
- pretend to be someone you are not; sometimes with fraudulent intentions; "She posed as the Czar's daughter"
- noun - acting the part of a character on stage; dramatically representing the character by speech and action and gesture
- imitating the mannerisms of another person
- noun - being a person; "finding her own personhood as a campus activist"