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26345 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. noun - a candy flavored with peppermint oil
  2. herb with downy leaves and small purple or white flowers that yields a pungent oil used as a flavoring
  3. red gum tree of Tasmania
  1. noun - Pacific coast tree having aromatic foliage and small umbellate flowers followed by olivelike fruit; yields a hard tough wood
  1. noun - annual herb used as salad green and garnish
  2. any of several water ferns of the genus Marsilea having four leaflets
  1. noun - liveliness and energy; "this tonic is guaranteed to give you more pep"
  1. noun - precursor of pepsin; stored in the stomach walls and converted to pepsin by hydrochloric acid in the stomach
  1. noun - the process of converting to a sol; bringing to a colloidal solution
  1. noun - the process of converting to a sol; bringing to a colloidal solution
  1. - Capable of yielding, or being converted into, peptone.
  1. - A toxic alkaloid found occasionally associated with the peptones formed from fibrin by pepsinhydrochloric acid.
  1. - The act or state of passing through any space; as, the peragration of the moon in her monthly revolution.