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Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. - A special structure found in the mouth of most mollusks, except bivalves. It consists of several muscles and a cartilage which supports a chitinous radula, or lingual ribbon, armed with teeth. Also applied to the radula alone. See Radula.
  1. - An odontoblast.
  1. adjective -
  2. emitting an odor; "odorous salt pork and weevily hardtack"
  3. morally offensive; "odoriferous legislation"
  1. noun - severe pain on swallowing due to a disorder of the esophagus
  1. - See Economical.
  1. adjective - concerned with promoting unity among churches or religions; "ecumenical thinking"; "ecumenical activities"; "the ecumenical movement"
  2. of worldwide scope or applicability; "an issue of cosmopolitan import"; "the shrewdest political and ecumenical comment of our time"- Christopher Morley; "universal experience"
  1. noun - a movement promoting union between religions (especially between Christian churches)
Oedipus Rex
  1. noun - (Greek mythology) a tragic king of Thebes who unknowingly killed his father Laius and married his mother Jocasta; the subject of the drama `Oedipus Rex' by Sophocles
  2. (Greek mythology) a tragic king of Thebes who unknowingly killed his father Laius and married his mother Jocasta; the subject of the drama `Oedipus Rex'' by Sophocles
  1. - Pertaining to, derived from, or containing, oenanthyl; specifically, designating an acid formerly supposed to be identical with the acid in oenanthic ether, but now known to be identical with heptanoic acid.
  1. noun - a specialist in wine making