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26333 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. verb - be located near or adjacent to; "Pakistan neighbors India"
  2. having a common boundary or edge; abutting; touching; "Rhode Island has two bordering states; Massachusetts and Conncecticut"; "the side of Germany conterminous with France"; "Utah and the contiguous state of Idaho"; "neighboring cities"
  3. live or be located as a neighbor; "the neighboring house"
  1. verb - be located near or adjacent to; "Pakistan neighbors India"
  2. live or be located as a neighbor; "the neighboring house"
  1. adjective - exhibiting the qualities expected in a friendly neighbor
  1. noun - a protease inhibitor (trade name Viracept) used in treating HIV usually in combination with other drugs
Nell Gwynne
  1. noun - English comedienne and mistress of Charles II (1650-1687)
Nellie Ross
  1. noun - a politician in Wyoming who was the first woman governor in the United States (1876-1977)
  1. - A peculiar kind of fructification on certain red algae, consisting of an external mass of filaments at length separating into tetraspores.
  1. - A spermatocyte or spermoblast.
  1. - One of a peculiar kind of cups, or calicles, found upon hydroids of the family Plumularidae. They contain nematocysts. See Plumularia.
  1. - Having the property of killing nematodes; lethal to nematodes.