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Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. noun - a mental state characterized by a lack of clear and orderly thought and behavior; "a confusion of impressions"
  2. the quality of being cloudy
  3. the wetness of ground that is covered or soaked with water; "the baseball game was canceled because of the wateriness of the outfield"; "the water's muddiness made it undrinkable"; "the sloppiness of a rainy November day"
  1. noun - found in tropical coastal regions of Africa and Asia; able to move on land on strong pectoral fins
  1. noun - one who spreads real or alleged scandal about another (usually for political advantage)
  1. unknown - Making abusive or disparaging remarks; besmirching someone's character, sometimes with false allegations, in the hope that "if you sling enough mud, some of it will stick..."
  1. noun - found in tropical coastal regions of Africa and Asia; able to move on land on strong pectoral fins
  1. verb - wrestle in mud; "some people enjoy watching people who mudwrestle"
  1. verb - wrestle in mud; "some people enjoy watching people who mudwrestle"
  1. noun - a state of warm humidity
  1. noun - a military force of Muslim guerilla warriors engaged in a jihad; "some call the mujahidin international warriors but others just call them terrorists"
  1. noun - a military force of Muslim guerilla warriors engaged in a jihad; "some call the mujahidin international warriors but others just call them terrorists"