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Below are the words that matched your query.

Memory Loss
  1. noun - partial or total loss of memory; "he has a total blackout for events of the evening"
  1. noun - a heavily armed and mounted soldier in medieval times
  1. - One whose motive is to please men or the world, rather than God.
  1. - An iron-black or steel-gray mineral, consisting chiefly of the oxides of iron and titanium. It is commonly massive, but occurs also in rhombohedral crystals. Called also titanic iron ore, and ilmenite.
  1. noun - the tendency to be untruthful
  1. noun - a radioactive transuranic element synthesized by bombarding einsteinium with alpha particles (Md is the current symbol for mendelevium but Mv was formerly the symbol)
  1. noun - German musician and romantic composer of orchestral and choral works (1809-1847)
  1. - The act or practice of begging; beggary; mendicancy.
  1. noun - the state of being a beggar or mendicant; "they were reduced to mendicancy"
  1. noun - a tumor arising in the meninges which surround the brain and spinal cord; usually slow growing and sometimes malignant