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Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. - State or quality of being jealous.
Jean Cauvin
  1. noun - Swiss theologian (born in France) whose tenets (predestination and the irresistibility of grace and justification by faith) defined Presbyterianism (1509-1564)
Jean Harlow
  1. noun - United States film actress who made several films with Clark Gable (1911-1937)
Jean Monnet
  1. noun - French economist who advocated a Common Market in Europe (1888-1979)
Jean Piaget
  1. noun - Swiss psychologist remembered for his studies of cognitive development in children (1896-1980)
Jean Racine
  1. noun - French advocate of Jansenism; tragedian who based his works on Greek and Roman themes (1639-1699)
  1. - An American herb with a pretty, white, solitary blossom, and deeply two-cleft leaves (Jeffersonia diphylla); twinleaf.
  1. unknown - Son of Asa, ruler of Jordan 873-849 BC. (Kings 22::41-50)
  1. noun - surgical creation of an opening between the jejunum and the anterior abdominal wall; will allow artificial feeding
  1. noun - any of numerous usually marine and free-swimming coelenterates that constitute the sexually reproductive forms of hydrozoans and scyphozoans
  2. large siphonophore having a bladderlike float and stinging tentacles