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26345 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. noun - the state of being unable to produce offspring; in a woman it is an inability to conceive; in a man it is an inability to impregnate
  1. noun - a swarm of insects that attack plants; "a plague of grasshoppers"
  2. the state of being invaded or overrun by parasites
  1. - Lack of festivity, cheerfulness, or mirth; dullness; cheerlessness.
  1. verb - cause (a liquid) to enter by penetrating the interstices
  2. enter a group or organization in order to spy on the members; "The student organization was infiltrated by a traitor"
  3. pass into or through by filtering or permeating; "the substance infiltrated the material"
  4. pass through an enemy line; in a military conflict
  1. verb - cause (a liquid) to enter by penetrating the interstices
  2. enter a group or organization in order to spy on the members; "The student organization was infiltrated by a traitor"
  3. pass into or through by filtering or permeating; "the substance infiltrated the material"
  4. pass through an enemy line; in a military conflict
  1. noun - an intruder (as troops) with hostile intent
  2. someone who takes up a position surreptitiously for the purpose of espionage
  1. adjective - relating to or formed with the infinitive; "infinitival clause"
  1. noun - the uninflected form of the verb
  1. noun - an infinite quantity
  2. the quality of being infinite; without bound or limit
  1. - Multiplied an infinite number of times.