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Below are the words that matched your query.

In Addition
  1. adjective - by way of addition; furthermore; "he serves additionally as the CEO"
In Any Case
  1. adverb - making an additional point; anyway; "I don''t want to go to a restaurant; besides, we can''t afford it"; "she couldn''t shelter behind him all the time and in any case he wasn''t always with her"
  2. making an additional point; anyway; "I don't want to go to a restaurant; besides, we can't afford it"; "she couldn't shelter behind him all the time and in any case he wasn't always with her"
  3. used to indicate that a statement explains or supports a previous statement; "Anyhow, he is dead now"; "I think they''re asleep; anyhow, they''re quiet"; "I don''t know what happened to it; anyway, it''s gone"; "anyway, there is another factor to consider
  4. used to indicate that a statement explains or supports a previous statement; "Anyhow, he is dead now"; "I think they're asleep; anyhow, they're quiet"; "I don't know what happened to it; anyway, it's gone"; "anyway, there is another factor to consider"; "I don't know how it started; in any case, there was a brief scuffle"; "in a
In Bonds(P)
  1. adjective - bound by chains fastened around the ankles
In Darkness
  1. adverb - without light; "the river was sliding darkly under the mist"
In Depth(P)
  1. adjective - having a specified depth; "six feet in depth (or deep)"
In Due Time
  1. adverb - at the appropriate time; "we''ll get to this question in due course"
  2. at the appropriate time; "we'll get to this question in due course"
In Dutch(P)
  1. adjective - in disfavor; "I''m in Dutch with the boss"
In Evidence
  1. adjective - clearly to be seen; "they were much in evidence during the fighting"; "she made certain that her engagement ring was in evidence"
In Extremis
  1. adverb - at the point of death
In Flood(P)
  1. adjective - overfull with water; "swollen rivers and creeks"