Matching Words
26345 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- adjective - of or relating to hydropathy or its administration; "hydropathic treatments"
- adjective - having a strong affinity for water; tending to dissolve in, mix with, or be wetted by water
- noun - a morbid fear of water
- a symptom of rabies in humans consisting of an aversion to swallowing liquids
- an acute viral disease of the nervous system of warm-blooded animals (usually transmitted by the bite of a rabid animal); rabies is fatal if the virus reaches the brain
- adjective - abnormally afraid of water
- lacking affinity for water; tending to repel and not absorb water; tending not to dissolve in or mix with or be wetted by water
- noun - a plant that grows partly or wholly in water whether rooted in the mud, as a lotus, or floating without anchorage, as the water hyacinth
- adjective - growing wholly or partially in water; "water lilies are hydrophytic"
- verb - glide on the water in a hydroplane
- noun - a speedboat that is equipped with winglike structures that lift it so that it skims the water at high speeds; "the museum houses a replica of the jet hydroplane that broke the record"
- an airplane that can land on or take off from water; "the designer of marine aircraft demonstrated his newest hydroplane"
- glide on the water in a hydroplane
- noun - a technique of growing plants (without soil) in water containing dissolved nutrients