Matching Words
26345 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
Hot Weather
- noun - a period of unusually high temperatures
- a period of unusually hot weather
- adjective - prone to emotion; "hot-blooded Latin-Americans"
- - Ardent in temper; violent; rash; impetuous; as, hot-brained youth.
- - Of an excitable or irritable temperament; irascible.
- noun - small bamboo of southeastern China having slender culms flexuous when young
Hotel Clerk
- noun - a hotel receptionist
- noun - an owner or manager of hotels
- unknown - Houndstooth, houndstooth check or hound's tooth (and similar spellings) is a duotone textile pattern, characterized by broken checks or abstract four-pointed shapes, often in black and white, although other colours are used.
Hour Circle
- noun - a great circle on the celestial sphere that passes through both celestial poles