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26345 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. noun - small butterflies having striped markings under the wings
  1. noun - someone who cuts or beautifies hair
  1. noun - the act of interweaving a hairpiece with your own hair
Hairy Vetch
  1. noun - European vetch much cultivated as forage and cover crops
  1. - See Forkbeard.
  1. noun - a guard who carries a halberd (as a symbol of his duty)
  1. noun - a member of a North American Indian people of the Colorado river valley near the mouth of the Gila river; allied to the Maricopa
Half Dollar
  1. noun - a United States coin worth half of a dollar
Half Gainer
  1. noun - a dive in which the diver throws the feet forward and up to complete a half backward somersault and enters the water facing the diving board
Half Nelson
  1. noun - a wrestling hold in which the holder puts an arm under the opponent''s arm and exerts press on the back of the neck
  2. a wrestling hold in which the holder puts an arm under the opponent's arm and exerts pressure on the back of the neck