Matching Words
21068 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
Genus Raffia
- noun - feather palm of tropical Africa and Madagascar and Central and South America widely grown for commercial purposes
Genus Raphia
- noun - feather palm of tropical Africa and Madagascar and Central and South America widely grown for commercial purposes
Genus Raphus
- noun - type genus of the Raphidae: dodos
Genus Rattus
- noun - common house rats; upper incisors have a beveled edge
Genus Reseda
- noun - Old World genus of herbs having racemose flowers: mignonette; dyer''s rocket
- Old World genus of herbs having racemose flowers: mignonette; dyer's rocket
Genus Retama
- noun - small genus of Mediterranean shrubs; often included in genus Genista
Genus Rhapis
- noun - genus of small clump-forming fan palms of China and Japan
Genus Rhynia
- noun - type genus of the Rhyniaceae; small leafless dichotomously branching fossil plants with terminal sporangia and smooth branching rhizomes