Matching Words
21068 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- - White or glowing with heat.
- noun - a title used to address dignitaries (such as ambassadors or governors); usually preceded by `Your' or `His' or `Her'; "Your Excellency"
- an outstanding feature; something in which something or someone excels; "a center of manufacturing excellence"; "the use of herbs is one of the excellencies of French cuisine"
- adjective - capable of being exchanged for or replaced by something of equal value; "convertible securities"
- capable of replacing or changing places with something else; permitting mutual substitution without loss of function or suitability; "interchangeable electric outlets" "interchangeable parts"
- suitable to be exchanged
- noun - being easily excited
- excessive sensitivity of an organ or body part
- - Excito-motory; as, excito-motor power or causes.
- noun - a loud complaint or protest or reproach
- an abrupt excited utterance; "she gave an exclamation of delight"; "there was much exclaiming over it"
- an exclamatory rhetorical device; "O tempore! O mores"
- - Tending to exclude; causing exclusion; exclusive.
- - The character, manner, or principles of an exclusionist.