Matching Words
21068 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- verb - a medium that disseminates via telecommunications
- broadcast over the airwaves, as in radio or television; "We cannot air this X-rated song"
- cause to become widely known; "spread information"; "circulate a rumor"; "broadcast the news"
- sow over a wide area, especially by hand; "broadcast seeds"
- taking part in a radio or tv program
Broca's Area
- noun - the motor speech center in the left hemisphere of the brain in most people
Broken Heart
- noun - devastating sorrow and despair; "he is recovering from a broken heart"; "a broken heart languishes here"
- adjective - varying in direction suddenly and frequently; "broken-field running"
- noun - any of various woodland and meadow grasses of the genus Bromus; native to temperate regions
- noun - a family of tropical American plants of order Xyridales including several (as the pineapple) of economic importance
Bromid Paper
- - A sensitized paper coated with gelatin impregnated with bromide of silver, used in contact printing and in enlarging.
- - Designating or pertaining to, a process of preparing dry plates with an emulsion of bromides and silver nitrate in gelatin.
- - Treated with bromides and iodides.
- - A modification of the voice sounds, by which they are intensified and heightened in pitch; -- observed in auscultation of the chest in certain cases of intro-thoracic disease.