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21062 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

Wheat Gluten
  1. noun - gluten prepared from wheat
Wheat Sawfly
  1. - A small European sawfly (Cephus pygmaeus) whose larva does great injury to wheat by boring in the stalks. (b) Any of several small American sawflies of the genus Dolerus, as Dolerus sericeus and Dolerus arvensis, whose larvae injure the stems or heads of wheat. (c) Pachynematus extensicornis, whose larvae feed chiefly on the blades of wheat; -- called also grass sawfly.
Wheately Elm
  1. noun - a variety of the English elm with erect branches and broader leaves
  1. noun - a grass of the genus Agropyron
Wheel Around
  1. verb - change directions as if revolving on a pivot; "They wheeled their horses around and left"
  2. wheel somebody or something
  1. noun - a cart for carrying small loads; has handles and one or more wheels
  2. transport in a wheelbarrow
Wheeler Peak
  1. noun - a mountain peak in northeastern New Mexico in the Rocky Mountains
  1. noun - someone who makes and repairs wooden wheels
  1. noun - presence of abnormal high-pitched sound heard with a stethoscope when an airway is blocked (as in asthma or chronic bronchitis)
  2. shortness of breath.
  1. - From what place soever; from what cause or source soever.