Matching Words
21068 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
Titanic Acid
- noun - a white weak acid that is a hydrated form of titanium dioxide
- - Containing or affording titanium; as, titaniferous magnetite.
- noun - genus of herbivorous dinosaurs flourishing during the Cretaceous in South America
- - An instrument or apparatus for measuring or detecting tithonicity; an actinometer.
- noun - a tingling feeling of excitement (as from teasing or tickling)
- an agreeable arousal
- the act of tickling
- noun - someone who has won first place in a competition
- noun - sprucing up; making decorative additions to
Titus Livius
- noun - Roman historian whose history of Rome filled 142 volumes (of which only 35 survive) including the earliest history of the war with Hannibal (59 BC to AD 17)
To Advantage
- adverb - in a flattering way; "the dress brought out her figure to advantage"
- in a manner that uses the most flattering or best aspects of; "the dress brought out her figure to advantage"
To Both Ears
- adverb - in a binaural manner; "the stimulus was presented binaurally"