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Matching Words

21062 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

Sleeper Cell
  1. noun - a cell of sleepers; "an al-Qaeda sleeper cell may have used Arizona as its base"
Sleeper Goby
  1. noun - tropical fish that resembles a goby and rests quietly on the bottom in shallow water
Sleeper Nest
  1. noun - a nest of sleepers awaiting a prearranged signal; "sleeper nests of Islamic terrorists were capable of launching major attacks in Europe"
  1. noun - a very sleepy state; "sleepiness causes many driving accidents"
Sleeping Bag
  1. noun - large padded bag designed to be slept in outdoors; usually rolls up like a bedroll
Sleeping Car
  1. noun - a passenger car that has berths for sleeping
  1. noun - someone who walks about in their sleep
  1. verb - walk in one's sleep
  2. walking by a person who is asleep
  1. adjective - ready to fall asleep; "beginning to feel sleepy"; "a sleepy-eyed child with drooping eyelids"; "sleepyheaded students"
Sleeve Notes
  1. unknown - What's written on the cover of the record