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21068 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

Mountain Tea
  1. noun - creeping shrub of eastern North America having white bell-shaped flowers followed by spicy red berrylike fruit and shiny aromatic leaves that yield wintergreen oil
  1. noun - climb mountains for pleasure as a sport
  2. someone who climbs mountains
  1. noun - the side or slope of a mountain; "conifer forests cover the eastern versant"
  1. - Mountance.
  1. noun - a state of gloomy sorrow
Mouse Button
  1. noun - a push button on the mouse
Mouse's Nest
  1. noun - where mice bear and raise their young
  1. - A musketeer, esp. one of the French royal musketeers of the 17th and 18th centuries, conspicuous both for their daring and their fine dress.
  1. - Having the basal joints of the legs converted into jaws.
  1. noun - any of various fishes that carry their eggs and their young in their mouths