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Below are the words that matched your query.

King's Bench
  1. - Formerly, the highest court of common law in England; -- so called because the king used to sit there in person. It consisted of a chief justice and four puisne, or junior, justices. During the reign of a queen it was called the Queen's Bench. Its jurisdiction was transferred by the judicature acts of 1873 and 1875 to the high court of justice created by that legislation.
King's Spear
  1. noun - asphodel with leafy stem and fragrant yellow flowers
Kingdom Come
  1. noun - the end of time; "you can wet the bed till kingdom come, for all I care"
  2. the next world; "he nearly blew us to kingdom come"
  1. adjective - in the manner of Rudyard Kipling
  1. - An alcoholic liquor, obtained by distilling the fermented juice of the small black cherry.
Kiss Of Life
  1. noun - an emergency procedure consisting of external cardiac massage and artificial respiration; the first treatment for a person who has collapsed and has no pulse and has stopped breathing; attempts to restore circulation of the blood and prevent death or brai
  2. an emergency procedure consisting of external cardiac massage and artificial respiration; the first treatment for a person who has collapsed and has no pulse and has stopped breathing; attempts to restore circulation of the blood and prevent death or brain damage due to lack of oxygen
Kissing Gate
  1. unknown - A small enclosed gate that only lets one person through at a time.
  1. - The portion of the upper crust of a loaf which has touched another loaf in baking.
Kitchen Help
  1. noun - help hired to work in the kitchen
Kitchen Sink
  1. noun - a sink in a kitchen