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Below are the words that matched your query.

Asthenic Type
  1. noun - slender, weak, and lightweight
  1. noun - the lower layer of the crust
Asthma Attack
  1. noun - respiratory disorder characterized by wheezing; usually of allergic origin
  1. adverb - in an amazing manner; to everyone's surprise; "amazingly, he finished medical school in three years"
  1. noun - Surprise
  2. the feeling that accompanies something extremely surprising; "he looked at me in astonishment"
  1. noun - a sharp astringent taste; the taste experience when a substance causes the mouth to pucker
  2. the ability to contract or draw together soft body tissues to check blood flow or restrict secretion of fluids
  1. noun - the branch of astronomy that studies the motion of natural and artificial bodies in space
  1. adjective - of or belonging to astronauts or the science of astronautics
  1. adjective - of or concerned with astrophysics; "astrophysical sciences"
  1. - Theology founded on observation or knowledge of the celestial bodies.