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15781 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

Genus Umbrina
  1. noun - croakers
Genus Urginea
  1. noun - Mediterranean liliaceous plants; sometimes placed in family Hyacinthaceae
Genus Urocyon
  1. noun - gray foxes
  2. grey foxes
Genus Ursinia
  1. noun - genus of South African herbs and shrubs cultivated as ornamentals
Genus Vanessa
  1. noun - painted beauty and red admiral
Genus Vanilla
  1. noun - large genus of tropical climbing orchids; Old and New Worlds
Genus Varanus
  1. noun - type and sole extant genus of the Varanidae
Genus Vedalia
  1. noun - genus of Australian ladybugs
Genus Verbena
  1. noun - type genus of the Verbenaceae; genus of herbaceous perennials and subshrubs
Genus Vespula
  1. noun - sometimes considered a subgenus of Vespa: social wasps