Matching Words
15781 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
Genus Colinus
- noun - New World quail: the bobwhites
Genus Colobus
- noun - a genus of Cercopithecidae
Genus Columba
- noun - type genus of the Columbidae: typical pigeons
Genus Colutea
- noun - small genus of Eurasian shrubs with yellow flowers and bladdery pods
Genus Corokia
- noun - evergreen shrubs with intricately twisted wiry stems that in summer are smothered in small yellow flowers; grows in New Zealand
Genus Corylus
- noun - deciduous monoecious nut-bearing shrubs of small trees: hazel; sometimes placed in the subfamily or family Corylaceae
Genus Corypha
- noun - large fan palms of tropical Asia to Australia
Genus Cotinga
- noun - type genus of the Cotingidae: cotingas