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Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. - Deceit; duplicity.
  1. unknown - insulated window glass
  1. noun - two games instead of one (especially in baseball when the same two teams play two games on the same day)
  1. - Like dough; soft.
Douglas Moore
  1. noun - United States composer of works noted for their use of the American vernacular (1893-1969)
  1. - One of several pieces fayed across the apron and lapped in the knightheads, or inside planking above the upper deck.
Down Syndrome
  1. noun - a congenital disorder caused by having an extra 21st chromosome; results in a flat face and short stature and mental retardation
  1. adjective - sensible and practical; "has a straightforward down-to-earth approach to a problem"; "her earthy common sense"
  1. noun - the quality of being direct and straightforward; "what some people take for rudeness is really straightforwardness"
Draco Malfoy
  1. unknown - character in harry potter