Matching Words
15781 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
Discount Rate
- noun - interest on an annual basis deducted in advance on a loan
- the rate of interest set by the Federal Reserve that member banks are charged when they borrow money through the Federal Reserve System
- noun - a lack of politeness; a failure to show regard for others; wounding the feelings or others
- a manner that is rude and insulting
- an expression of lack of respect
Discovery Day
- noun - a legal holiday commemorating the discovery of America by Christopher Columbus
- adjective - tending to bring discredit or disrepute; blameworthy; "his marks were not at all discreditable"
- adverb - in a dishonorable manner or to a dishonorable degree; "his grades were disgracefully low"
- noun - a difference between conflicting facts or claims or opinions; "a growing divergence of opinion"
- an event that departs from expectations
- adjective - (especially of funds) not earmarked; available for use as needed; "discretionary funds"; "discretionary income"
- having or using the ability to act or decide according to your own discretion or judgment; "The commission has discretionary power to award extra funds"
- adjective - capable of being discriminated; "discriminable faults"
- verb - distinguish; "I could not discriminate the different tastes in this complicated dish"
- recognize or perceive the difference
- treat differently on the basis of sex or race
- verb - distinguish; "I could not discriminate the different tastes in this complicated dish"
- recognize or perceive the difference
- treat differently on the basis of sex or race