Matching Words
15781 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- verb - cause not to be sensitive; "The war desensitized many soldiers"; "The photographic plate was desensitized"
- make insensitive; "His military training desensitized him"
- making less susceptible or sensitive to either physical or emotional stimuli
- verb - cause not to be sensitive; "The war desensitized many soldiers"; "The photographic plate was desensitized"
- make insensitive; "His military training desensitized him"
- making less susceptible or sensitive to either physical or emotional stimuli
Desert Iguana
- noun - small long-tailed lizard of arid areas of southwestern United States and northwestern Mexico
Desert Willow
- noun - evergreen shrubby tree resembling a willow of dry regions of southwestern North America having showy purplish flowers and long seed pods
Desertic Soil
- noun - a type of soil that develops in arid climates
- noun - the quality of being deserving (e.g., deserving assistance); "there were many children whose deservingness he recognized and rewarded"
- verb - direct one's libidinous urges into another direction
- make infertile; "in some countries, people with genetically transmissible disabilites are sterilized"
- verb - direct one's libidinous urges into another direction
- make infertile; "in some countries, people with genetically transmissible disabilites are sterilized"
- - The state or quality of being desidiose, or indolent.
Designer Drug
- noun - a psychoactive drug deliberately synthesized to avoid anti-drug laws; mimics the effects of a banned drug; law was revised in 1986 to ban designer drugs