Matching Words
15781 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
Day After Day
- adverb - for an indefinite number of successive days
Day Blindness
- noun - inability to see clearly in bright light
Day Jessamine
- noun - West Indian evergreen shrub having clusters of funnel-shaped white flowers that are fragrant by day
- adjective - of or belonging to or occurring every day; "daily routine"; "a daily paper"
- adjective - at all times; "around-the-clock nursing care"
Daytona Beach
- noun - a resort town in northeast Florida on the Atlantic coast; hard white beaches have been used for automobile speed trials
- noun - (war) a reduction in intensity (of a crisis or a war)
- adjective - removing iodine from
- noun - the removal of iodine atoms from organic compounds
- verb - sell (art works) from a collection, especially in order to raise money for the purchase of other art works; "The museum deaccessioned several important works of this painter"