Matching Words
15781 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
Credit Rating
- noun - an estimate, based on previous dealings, of a person's or an organization's ability to fulfill their financial commitments
Credit System
- noun - a system for allowing people to purchase things on credit
- noun - tendency to believe too readily and therefore to be easily deceived
Creeping Bent
- noun - common pasture or lawn grass spread by long runners
Creeping Fern
- noun - delicate fern of the eastern United States having a twining stem and palmately-lobed sterile fronds and forked fertile fronds
Creeping Lily
- noun - any plant of the genus Gloriosa of tropical Africa and Asia; a perennial herb climbing by means of tendrils at leaf tips having showy yellow to red or purple flowers; all parts are poisonous
- adjective - an animal that creeps or crawls (such as worms or spiders or insects)
- causing a sensation as of things crawling on your skin; "a creepy story"; "I had a creepy-crawly feeling"
Creme Anglais
- noun - custard sauce flavored with vanilla or a liqueur
Creme Caramel
- noun - baked custard topped with caramel
- noun - a rampart built around the top of a castle with regular gaps for firing arrows or guns
- the action of constructing ramparts with gaps for firing guns or arrows