Matching Words
15781 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
Corneal Graft
- noun - a surgical procedure in which part or all of a damaged or diseased cornea is replaced by healthy corneal tissue from a donor
Corner Pocket
- noun - a pocket at the corner of a billiard table
- - Conversion into, or formation of, horn; a becoming like horn.
Cornish Heath
- noun - bushy shrub having pink to white flowers; common on the moors of Cornwall and in southwestern Europe; cultivated elsewhere
Cornish Pasty
- noun - meat pie with filling of meat and vegetables
Cornmeal Mush
- noun - cornmeal boiled in water
Corno Inglese
- - A reed instrument, related to the oboe, but deeper in pitch; the English horn.
Cornu Ammonis
- - A fossil shell, curved like a ram's horn; an obsolete name for an ammonite.
Cornus Amomum
- noun - shrub of eastern North America having purplish stems and blue fruit
Coronary Bone
- - The small pastern bone of the horse and allied animals.