Matching Words
15781 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- verb - be proud of; "He prides himself on making it into law school"
- express congratulations
- pride or congratulate (oneself) for an achievement
- say something to someone that expresses praise; "He complimented her on her last physics paper"
- verb - be proud of; "He prides himself on making it into law school"
- express congratulations
- pride or congratulate (oneself) for an achievement
- say something to someone that expresses praise; "He complimented her on her last physics paper"
- - One who offers congratulation.
- noun - the act of congregating
- noun - a group of people who adhere to a common faith and habitually attend a given church
- an assemblage of people or animals or things collected together; "a congregation of children pleaded for his autograph"; "a great congregation of birds flew over"
- the act of congregating
Congress Boot
- noun - an ankle high shoe with elastic gussets in the sides
Congress Shoe
- noun - an ankle high shoe with elastic gussets in the sides
- adjective - of or relating to congress; "congressional hearing"
- noun - a member of the United States House of Representatives
- noun - a member of the United States House of Representatives